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Spring Bird Migration 

Celebrate Spring Migration on the Upper Texas Coast with the Spring Celebration Challenge, and learn all about the momentous trek taken by millions of neotropical migrants. Check out League City and other local birding hotspots

on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail.

Birding Challenge

Take the Spring Migration Birding Challenge!

Hundreds of bird species stop in League City during spring migration.  Discover more about spring migration and the birds you might see with the Spring Migration Birding Challenge. It features nine spring migrants that visit League City during their journey.

Download and print a copy of the challenge, or pick up a copy at City Hall, Helen Hall Library, or Hometown Heroes park.

Spring Migration 101

What is spring migration?

Spring migration is an annual event, usually occurring between February and May, where millions of birds travel long distances to their breeding grounds. They migrate north in spring due to the abundance of food, shelter, and nesting opportunities that accompany the warming weather. Many of the migratory birds visiting League City have traveled from Central and South America, stopping to rest and refuel before completing their journey.














Why is League City important for migrating birds?

Bird migration is observed through “flyways,” which are like bird highways in the sky. League City sits at the intersection of the Central and Mississippi flyways, a location that is especially hospitable to migrating birds. This unique position makes League City a world-class destination to experience both spring and fall migration.















Where can I find spring migrants in League City?

League City is part of the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail and has both official and unofficial birding sites.


Official Birding Trail Sites in League City


Additional Birding Sites

Birding trail stops
Baltimore Oriole
Nature Center

Clear Creek Nature Center

New to Birding?

Download or print a copy of League City's Birding 101 guide to learn the basics of birding.

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League City



600 W. Walker Street 

League City, Texas 77573



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